• California Heritage Digital Image Access Project - online photo archive, searchable by keyword, with images of Californian history, from the Gold Rush to the Civil Rights struggles in the 60's.

  • California History - designed by a teacher for both students and adults. Brief synopis of CA history with links to mission, Gold Rush, Indian, and railroad sites.

  • California Indian Library Collections

  • California State Historical Landmarks - listings of all 1000+ California State Historic Landmarks. Photos of landmark plaques and historic sites themselves are available.

  • CoolSpots - searchable collection of thousands of photographs and some text, mainly of California, covering national, state, and local historic landmarks, and funky spots.

  • Old Time Tahoe - a clearinghouse for any and all information pertaining to early-day Lake Tahoe.

  • Story of Fort Ross - brief history of the Russian settlement on the Sonoma County coast from 1809-183