"This book and CD represent a massively researched and well organized collection of sixty-two songs, documenting the history of California from the days before the Spanish explorations, up to the Gold Rush era . . . . .The songs represented tell a fascinating story of the history of California, from the days of the many tribes of native people, to the Spanish "mission era" to the days of cowboys and gold-seekers. There are songs in Spanish. Russian, and Chinese; sea shanties, hymns and funny songs too. The producers' aim is to get teachers and children singing together, rather than simply listening to someone else's recording. That's the beauty of this set, and the reason why I wish every state could produce a project like these folks have undertaken. They Came Singing is an example of how anyone can use our traditional music to educate and inspire." MD
Sing Out! Spring 2004, Vol. 48
“This outstanding collection of 63 traditional songs allows you and your students to relive the musical and social history of our state…Your students will feel the emotion of real people living in a real place, facing real challenges, and celebrating life's pleasures…”
Al Rocca, Social Studies Review, Journal of the California Council for the Social Studies, Spring/Summer, 1997
“This book is a treasure! It provides a wonderfully rich resource for all those who are interested in California's unique and colorful history. It is a very important work because there is nothing else like it on the market.”
Peggy Lawrence, Fourth Grade Teacher